Friday, March 23, 2012

A Day In Our Homeschool Life

1:25PM- Day started:
The girls are sitting down with their Calender Notebooks. I let Lana do hers by herself and I help Candice. I use it more for review than anything. I also turn on music (93.3FM) for them while we do lessons.

1:35 PM-
Lana works on her notebook by herself while I ask Candice what subject she wants to do next, she chooses Phonics.
Candice starts by picking a story out of her Reader for us to read. I ask her to point out any spelling words. I also ask Reading Comprehension questions.
Then we get started on the Phonics Lesson.

1:52PM- Snack while doing lessons. Today is Cherrios.

Lana watched a movie (Clifford) while Candice finishes her Phonics. She's going a bit slower today because theres quite a lot of writing to this lesson.

Candice finished Phonics so now we are moving on to her next choice, after a bit of a fight (she said "I dont want to do any more lessons"). Next is Writing.
Candice writes her bible verse- God Is Love 1 John 4:16. Then she chooses to do Spelling next.

Candice chooses to begin her Spelling test. I give her the words and she spells them. She can choose to do them in her Strawberry Shortcake Journal or in her Spelling book. She usually chooses Strawberry Shortcake. I give her 20mins to take her test. Then I score it.

2:37PM- Lana cries for her blankie stalling Candice's Spelling test.

2:38PM- Spelling Test started.

2:45PM -
Candice finishes Spelling test and scores 100% with 15mins left on the timer!! She has Math left to do and then its Computer Time. This is usually a struggle. She is in fact throwing a fit right now at the thought of doing Math.

We start on Math, counting to 20. We begin by Candice counting Grapes. She counts to 10 and then I make her count to 20 from 11. She masters this and then we move on to some worksheets in her book.  I have her fill in the missing number. we have had some trouble with this, so Im hoping today will be better.

Candice is finished with the school day and now has Educated Computer time. She usually chooses between Zoodles or Reading Eggs. Today she chose Reading Eggs. She'll do Lesson 2 today and then she is officially finished for the school day.


Thats our typical school day. The only thing we didnt do today was Morning Message. I honestly forgot. Some days it takes longer with more fits and Lana interruptions, sometimes its faster because we have a really good day and Candice seems to breeze through everything. At the Convention we will find Science and History, so that will make our day longer, but overall, im happy with everything. Hope you enjoyed it!

1 comment:

Maz said...

I love your photos and seeing how you homeschool in such a natural way.