Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Here is the latest and greatest around here!

Candice is reading and reading and reading and reading! The library has a "Button Book Club" and they give the kids Buttons if they finish the books and then 3 buttons gets you a pizza. It worked! Candice read books, got a pizza, a new book and a bookmark because she read her first book! Its SOARED since then! Shes do so much better at everything! We are done with Bible for the year and are almost finished with Math. She is so creative wit her writing.

Lana is doing great too. She can write her first and last name now. She knows her letter sounds and can write most of her letters. (We are working on other Psychological issues that may be slowing her down). She got GLASSES too! Its been GREAT! This has really been helping her. I wish we had done it sooner. She doesnt even want to cut and paste anymore, shed rather write. I really believe its because of the glasses.

We have not done our end of the year stuff. I need to get on it because my teacher buddy " AKA Cat" is moving! Its good for her though because she finally gets the teaching job shes been wanting for some time.

As for next year? We are working on getting another Rainbowresource.com scholarship (search for it here on the blog). Im not sure how much we will get but it will help get next years stuff. Here is the way I think we are leaning:

Candice (3rd grade)-
Bible- Positive Action Bible 3rd grade
Math- Saxon 2
Reading- Gruffys Readers OR just reading on her own.....
Writing- ??? Something w/Cursive
Spelling- A Reason For Spelling B
Art- Artistic Pursuits 2
Music- ?? Guitar again maybe?
History- Story Of The World 2
Science- Zoology 1

Lana (K/1st grade)-
Bible- Positive Action Bible 1
Math- Rod & Staff OR Saxon 1?
Reading- Rod & Staff OR Explode The Code
Writing- ???
Spelling- A Reason for spelling A
Art- Artistic Pursuits 1
Music- ???
History- Story Of The World 1 (or 2 WITH candice)
Science- Zoology 1 WITH Candice

Rainbowresource doesnt have Rod & Staff so it will matter on if we can get it through the R&S site.