Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Again for future reference-- We border Mariemont and Cincinnati, but we notify Cincinnati and they have a Homeschool division. I need to call them to get the exact details of deadline and address. I also found 2 homeschool families literally within a block from us on CHEC!!

ETA: Actually Im not sure who we notify!!! After looking more, it could swing either way!! I am waiting to hear back from both districts and im going to call Mariemont Elementary!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Art! Art!

Creative play is art right? well here it is!! The kids dressed up today and of course I had to get a picture!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Homeschool Legal Advantage

When you go to the Midwest HS Convention, you get a free year of membership to HS Legal Advantage. I never remember to sign up though. Luckily, HLA has Coupon Codes and its EASY to get a membership FREE for a YEAR!

If you use the code: GIFT
you can get a free year! At least youll be covered if " those who shall not be named" knock on the door. (shudder..........)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

DIY Chalkboard!

When we lived in Fayetteville, there was this little thrift store around the corner. Before we moved I found a poster board frame there. I cant remember if it was .50c or $1, but it was no more than that and i knew I was going to turn it into a chalkboard. It has sat in storage until a few weeks ago. I pulled it out after looking on Pinterest and found this recipe for DIY chalkboard paint: http://www.abeautifulmess.com/2012/02/how-to-mix-chalkboard-paint-in-any-color.html YAY for good ideas!

The issue was is it cheaper to buy Chalkboard spray paint ($5 at Home Depot) OR buy the above supplies ($8.95 total at Home Depot)....and what exactly was best? Spray paint or Paint? I decided spray paint may not be best. For one because there are a ton of factors that go into using it: Wind, your hand/steadiness, coverage and color (they only have black). Candice had asked for Pink and Lana for purple. With the paint, i can customize it and I can always re-paint if i mess up somehow. I went with the paint. :)

I went to Home Depot and looked at the paint. You only need 1/2c (it was PLENTY for doing a poster board size), so a sample would of been enough ($2.94), but they had "Oops Paint", where they I guess messed them up somehow for $2. They did have Pink and Purple, but it would of cost a bit more and been a bit more of a pain in the butt to do 1/2 and 1/2. I settled on a traditional greenish color. Then I went over to the bath section and I did have to ask someone where the Non-Sanded grout was, but it was with the tile stuff. They have colored non sanded for $12.97, but I got White Non Sanded for $5.47 (5lbs is the only size they had sadly). I did ask at the paint section if I should used a Paint Brush OR roller since its glass, they recommended a brush. That was .93c.

I came home and laid old newspaper down on the living room floor. Make sure you lay EXTRA, just in case. we rent so I wanted to be EXTRA careful! I used a plastic fork, bottle opener, old bowl, mixing spoon, and measuring cup. I followed the directions above. It does get lumpy as it dries in the bowl, but NOT on the painted surface. I spread on a thin 1st coat and will let it sit overnight to fully dry and then paint a 2nd coat tomorrow.

Overall? Easy and pretty fun! I wish it didnt take so long to dry and we could use it same day, but maybe if i paint it outside tomorrow (in 100o heat), it wont take long to dry and we can use it! As for where it is going inside? Its actually going to be hung on the side of the fridge! I will need to get velcro to hang it (i chose velcro so i can remove it/take it down if i want).

Monday, July 16, 2012

Art Class anyone?

Today was a light day in the world of BASF. Candice drew some pictures on Zoodles.

a heart, trees, sun and the word Mom

fox, trees, sun

house, person, sun, and mountains.

Our Small Space Set Up!

We have had a few set ups since starting to homeschool, we recently moved in July and have a new set up. Things are still scattered around, but more functional than before.

Now we live in a 2 bedroom, which is nice, but still lacks some storage. Here is our CURRENT set up!

future chalkboard (sorry its sideways)

kitchen table where we school w/converted piano bench that hold current curriculum

Upcoming years curriculum, kept in a suitcase (sorry its sideways)

Tackle box that holds every day supplies, kept in wardrobe in living room

this disaster would be the hall closet that holds random boxes of supplies (not all of it in HS related, its mostly JUNK)


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Subtraction Splash!

Candice is breezing through the Subtraction book without issue and this makes me really proud! We have about 1 week left of the book and then well touch on the addition book. I have a feeling shell breeze through that too. She seems to have some issues with spelling though. She is claiming she doesnt know the sounds so we need to work on that again. 1 Step forward 12 back. Well get there, im not worried.
Today, we met another CHEC mom, Cathy, who I actually had no idea I already knew! I knew her from Chec College Hill! Small world. This is funny because this is Brooklyns mom from Homeschool Summer Camp! Well we went to the splash park at Sharon Woods and everyone had a blast!! We even talked to a mom interested in homeschooling! Hopefully we converted her, ha!
Also, for a funny. My bumper sticker I made awhile back. Ya know the one that says " We Homeschool because the public schools suck"...well, I was at Subway today and pulling out. I got stopped and it was because the woman read it and couldnt stop laughing and agreeing. :D

All is good in my world.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Co-Op Coming up!

I found the girls a Co-Op through West Branch Learning Tree Co-Op in Cheviot. So far, I LOVE the group. We havent even met yet and I LOVE it. I signed Lana up for a L.Arts class and Candice for Ballet. The bible class was at the same time as the Ballet, so we couldnt do both. I planned it to where we can have lunch with the kids too. It will be every Monday starting in September!! It is kind of expensive $210, but we will make it work. Some how. It can count as Gym for Candice since I have to "register" this school year. Ugh, dont remind me. I am hoping we can get in on a Science Co-Op or some sort of activity still.

Lessons lately have been on Boston Tea Party and Bible Stories. I LOVE Libertys Kids. We have been watching via You Tube. They have the DVDs but I dont know if well get them.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Subtraction QUEEN!

I havent really covered Subtraction in depth, but Candice knows it like a PRO!! I picked up one of these $1 books from Walmart and she whizzed through the first 5 pages!! She needed a little help with the number line part, but got through it! We used the Counting Bears and a Bucket to help. 

Of course while at Walmart they have all their Back To School stuff and im drooling over all of it. We dont NEED anything, but hey, whats a few more markers, pencils or packs of paper?!

We are so old school, we use an Abacus!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Candice has 2 penpals! Both of their names are Lizzy/Elizabeth. One lives in Florida and one lives in Wyoming! Candice is super excited to write to them!