Monday, December 19, 2011

I See Cat

Candice can officially write a sentence!!!!! I started working with her on Spelling and what i call "Sight Words". I picked up a book of Common Words and i have been working with her on spelling. We started with I See.

I See Cat. I See hat. I See Mommy. I See Daddy. I See Candice. I See Lana.

We also got a new dining room table which is 10x bigger than the old one- PERFECT for Homeschooling! Our old one sat 4 (barely) and this one sits 6 and with a leaf could easily sit 9. We need chairs though, but the old ones work ok.

Hanukkah is this week and we still dont have all the gifts or Menorah. Candice will gladly tell anyone "We dont celebrate Christmas".

Lana is working on writing her letters, we are working on Letter L. she pretty easy to teach. We showed her once and she got it.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

More good finds!

It was a Goodwill weekend! Geez!! I found a toy clock that teaches time, a travel easel, a pocket V.Smile (we had one but it broke :() Then on Tuesday Im suppose to go pick up a BOX of office supplies!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Goodwill Finds! + Vowels!

I found a Coloring Book/Crayon holder for $2.50 and then a Winnie The Pooh bean bag chair for $2. The crayon thing needs to cleaned up and the chair needs beans/towels/stuffing. I thought we could use the crayon box because it seems the girls have trouble sometimes with knowing "this is lessons only" and "this is free range coloring". I have seen on other blogs where they have a bean bag chair for reading, so it was a "hurry up and pick it up" thing! It was actually hidden in with the sheets!

We also went over spelling, CAT, HAT, CAR, CAN, DOG and then we went over Vowels. AEIOU.
  • Ants
  • Eat
  • Ice 
  • On 
  • Umbrellas

Thursday, December 1, 2011


In the Wendys kids meal they gave Candice Tangrams and it has been a HUGE hit! Lana is still learning how to use them, but Candice is actually pretty good at em. I want to order 2-3 sets of the actual plastic ones. These are just cardboard.

Yesterdays Lessons were playing on the Leapsters and watching LeapFrog Letter Factory again.