Tuesday, November 23, 2010

finishing, new group and new week

We finished last weeks lessons with a bang. Then we have moved onto this weeks. This week should be easy for Candice. Yesterday we introduced everything- Shapes, Letter V, Exercise, Hanukkah and Colonies. Today we are working on more of the same but i pulled out our Menorah and Dreidel and will work more on Colonies. She also has a bit of trouble writing V. She makes it more of a U. Though she understands its a V and not a U. Lana did lessons yesterday too- Play Doh, Dominoes and Letters.
And as far as a new group. I must be crazy. I have to be picky. Maybe I am seeking this perfect Homeschool group for Candice and I and its just not out there. CHEC, Im sorry but it was a waste. The Milford Group was a joke- Social Hour for the moms. Then Mt Orab was better, Candice LOVED it! However, it was mostly for older kids. I was paying $2 (plus gas and time) for Candice to paint with other kids. She couldnt do music because she wasnt in 3rd grade. Plus the 1 day we actually stayed for lunch, no one sat next to us. Now, maybe I am being picky or judgmental- which im really trying not to be anymore, but why cant we find a good mix? I looked around today and found HSN of Cincinnati. I like they have activities a lot, in fact, every Monday. I called the Kentucky Group and Ohio. The women- Benita and Jill are super sweet. I told them Im looking for LLL (La Leche League) and Activites combined. They led to me to believe this is what they are. PLUS- its only $5 to join! Thats pretty good if you ask me. I made sure to ask if there are other Kindergardeners as well. I have to send in the $5 and then wait 5 weeks. Not bad.
THEN someone on Homeschool Lounge, Sandi, recommended maybe MOPS. (moms of preschoolers) and then told me they have MOMSnext (moms of school aged kids). I called/emailed and Im waiting on an email/call back. They meet in Milford, so thats good. The problem is that they are sort of pricey- $50-$70. I have a feeling they may not work out- just because of my experience with "Moms clubs"- its like Milford CHEC, Social Hour. However, I have heard good things about MOPS. Plus, its not about me- its about Candice.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


candice was being stubborn today, but we got through her work. It was a slow process. I really think she doesnt do as well working at night. We need to work more during the day. Tomorrow I have some fun projects for her and Im excited if shell like them.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Equal to T and good food

Today Candice had to sort 2 groups of things and make them equal. She has a bit of trouble if the things dont look alike but she is catching on. Then we worked more on the letter T. We did a Turtle worksheet and she found all of the hidden letter Ts and all the words/pictures that started with T. We then got the magnet letters and made some T words- Turtle, Letters, Plate. After we talked more about good foods and I had her take pictures of good and bad foods and put them on a plate, then she had to tell me if they were good or bad. We skipped History today. Candice also went to her Library class and she learned about a Lion.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Art Class and Progress

Today was Candices art class. It went well. Then she saw the other kids playing with their recorders and wanted to do it too. We went and got a recorder but she isnt into playing it yet. Maybe in time. Then we did lessons which we sorted magnet letters, did a Letter T worksheet and worked on T legos. Then we talked about nutrition and made Food Pyramids. That was fun. Then we talked about Thanksgiving. She understands they came in 1620, Mayflower, Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims,Indians, corn, help, Winter, and Thanksgiving. Thats pretty good for her. I am hoping we can out it all together and have something fun for Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 15, 2010

6 weeks!

We have made it almost 2 months Homeschooling! I cant believe it! This week we are talking about Equal To. Dividing objects to be equal. The letter T. Thanksgiving. Nutrition and finally New World. I think this week will be easy. We have Homeschool group tomorrow and we are suppose to be painting.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Another slump

We went through a slump this week. i just couldnt seem to get motivated. I hate when we get like that because Candice doesnt learn when we do. We did try to work on things and she did catch on to some, but now I have to bump this week and review.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Must Read

You Must Be Homeschooled If...
1. Someone asks what grade you're in and you're not sure.
2. You sometimes go to school in your pajamas.
3. You sleep till 9:00 am on school days, but get up early on Sundays.
4. Your favorite author is Jane Austen (girls) or Robert Louis Stevenson (boys).
5. Your birthday is an official school holiday.
6. You don't get to stay home from school when you're sick.
7. Your favorite activity is reading.
8. You know what a unit study is.
9. You have attempted to teach yourself physics.
10. You know the scientific names of dinosaurs from A to Z.
11. Watching a movie means you'll have to write a report comparing the film to the book.
12. You dress up as historical or literary characters for Halloween.
13. You exchange e-mail Valentines with your homeschool pen pals.
14. You can get science credit for going to the dentist or doctor.
15. You go to the park for P.E.
16. You check out at least ten books every time you visit the library.
17. You get books and science kits for your birthday.
18. Your board games all have names like "Bookworm", "Scrabble", "S'math", "Game of Knowledge", and "Name The State".
19. Your home library is arranged in Dewey Decimal order.
20. Your favorite place to study is outside, under a tree.
21. You memorize math formulas and Latin root words for fun.
22. You never get nervous on the first day of school.
23. The only bully you ever run into is your big brother.
24. You are unaware of the current fads, fashions, and slang terms.
25. You have no idea what rock bands are currently popular.
26. You don't have to worry about forgetting your lunch or your schoolbooks.
27. You don't have to remember a locker combination, just your computer password.
28. There are only nine students in your class - but all of them are your brothers and sisters.
29. Your school bus is a nine-passenger van.
30. You can get extra credit for cleaning your room.

* * *

You Must Be a Home Educator If...
1. You live in a one-house schoolroom.
2. Your walls are covered with maps and timelines instead of decorative framed art.
3. You know what math manipulatives are.
4. You read history books as bedtime stories.
5. You have mold growing in your fridge…on purpose.
6. Cooking dinner = domestic science; playing outside = physical education.
7. Your preschooler can name all the planets, but doesn't know who the Rugrats are.
8. You kids can quote lines from Shakespeare, but not from South Park.
9. You've mastered the fine art of vacuuming a floor without sucking up a Lego or K'nex piece.
10. You're either an expert at doing the Lego dance - Oooch! Ouch! Yeow! - or else you've resorted to wearing shoes around the house.
11. You know the recipes for homemade versions of Play-doh, finger paint, and paste.
12. Your students have to clear the breakfast bowls off the table before sitting down to do their school work.
13. Your house is messy, but your children are happy.
14. Your kids don’t have to be entertained because they know how to use their imaginations.
15. Your television is used more for education than entertainment.
16. Your kids publish their own family newsletter.
17. You shop for birthday presents at educational stores.
18. All you want for Christmas is a Barnes & Noble gift certificate.
19. You'd rather buy books than clothes.
20. All of your wall space is taken up by floor-to-ceiling bookcases and you still have stacks of books that don’t fit on the shelves.
21. You own the entire series of Saxon Math books.
22. You turn a trip to the grocery store into a learning experience.
23. Your kids don’t have to worry that they don’t “fit in.”
24. You are tired of answering the question, “But what about socialization?”
25. You have a standard one-minute speech to give to store clerks, mother-in-laws, and school officials about why you homeschool.
26. For your wedding anniversary, you decide to splurge and get a color laser printer.
27. Talking out loud to yourself is the same as having a parent/teacher conference.
28. You have a 12-year-old, a 6-year-old, and a 2-year old in the same class.
29. You take your family vacation in September, when the beaches and theme parks are empty.
30. You take a suitcase full of books along on your family vacation.
31. Your family vacation becomes an extended field trip.
32. You can never find your kitchen utensils because they're out in the sandbox.
33. Your kitchen doubles as a science lab.
34. You are on a first name basis with your local librarian and bookstore owner.
35. The UPS driver delivers a box of Scholastic books to your doorstep once a month.
36. You're willing to drop what you're doing at a moment's notice to go look something up in a dictionary or encyclopedia.
37. You’re always looking up the answers to questions such as “how does that work” or “why does it do that.”
38. You don't get fired for teaching your students about God.
39. You learn more from teaching your kids, than you did in public school yourself!
40. The more your kids learn, the less you seem to know.

* * *

Q: How does a homeschooler change a light bulb?

A: First, mom checks three books on electricity out of the library, then the kids make models of light bulbs, read a biography of Thomas Edison and do a skit based on his life. Next, everyone studies the history of lighting methods, wrapping up with dipping their own candles. Next, everyone takes a trip to the store where they compare types of light bulbs as well as prices and figure out how much change they'll get if they buy two bulbs for $1.99 and pay with a five dollar bill. On the way home, a discussion develops over the history of money and also Abraham Lincoln, as his picture is on the five dollar bill. Finally, after building a homemade ladder out of branches dragged from the woods, the light bulb is installed. And there is light. ~Author Unknown

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Real Homeschool Mothers don't eat quiche; they don't have time to make it.

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"Lord, grant me patience, but hurry."
(saying seen on a plaque)

* * *

Why Public Schooling Is "Better" Than Homeschooling

# Most parents were educated in the underfunded public school system, and so are not smart enough to homeschool their own children.
# Children who receive one-on-one homeschooling will learn more than others, giving them an unfair advantage in the marketplace. This is undemocratic.
# How can children learn to defend themselves unless they have to fight off bullies on a daily basis?
# Ridicule from other children is important to the socialization process.
# Children in public schools can get more practice "Just Saying No" to drugs, cigarettes and alcohol.
# Fluorescent lighting may have significant health benefits.
# Publicly asking permission to go to the bathroom teaches young people their place in society.
# The fashion industry depends upon the peer pressure that only public schools can generate.
# Public schools foster cultural literacy, passing on important traditions like the singing of "Jingle Bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg..."
# Homeschooled children may not learn important office career skills, like how to sit still for six hours straight. ~Author Unknown

* * *

Top 10 Things NOT to say when asked "What?! No school today?"

10. Well normally yes, but this time of year I need help with the planting and plowing.

9. Goodness, no!!! I graduated 18 years ago, but thanks for the compliment!

8. No, we homeschool. We're just out to pick up a bag of pork rinds and some Mountain Dew, then we gotta hurry home to catch our soaps.

7. What?! Where did you guys come from?! Oh my gosh! I thought I told you kids to stay at school! I'm sorry. This happens all the time. (sigh)

6. There isn't? Why, you'd think we would have seen more kids out then, don't you?

5. We're on a field trip studying human nature's intrusive and assumptive tactics of displaying ignorance and implied superiority. Thanks for the peek!

4. On our planet we have different methods of education. (Shhh! No, I didn't give it away... keep your antennae down!)

3. Oh my goodness! I thought that today was Saturday...come on kids, hurry!

2. Noooooope.Me 'n Bubba jes' learns 'em at home. Werks reel good!

And the number one answer we should NEVER give to the question: "What? No school today?"

1. "What? No Bingo today?"

* * *

A Homeschool Mom's NON-Resolutions

1. I resolve to NOT try and make my children "perfect" homeschooling examples.

2. I resolve to NOT try and prove that I am a "perfect" homeschooling parent.

3. I resolve to NOT try and compare myself to every other homeschooling parent.

4. I resolve to NOT give up on expecting the best from myself.

5. I resolve to NOT give up on my students.

6. I resolve to NOT give up on my curriculum without giving it a serious try (2 weeks may not be a serious try - only you can determine what that is!)

7. I resolve to NOT get discouraged when I have bad days, but to call someone on the phone who may encourage me in some way (prayer, a cup of coffee, or just saying "it's okay"!).

8. I resolve to NOT forget to plug into a support group for my support and theirs!

9. I resolve to NOT forget that all Teachers get Teacher Work Days for a reason. You have control over yours. Take them!

10. I resolve to NOT make unbelievable and unacceptable New Year's Resolutions. ~from the "Homeschooler's Notebook"

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Catch up

Wednesday was library day.

Today we sorted cookie cutters and money. Then we did more writing of letter Ii. We skipped Fall and did more on Indians and tomorrow will do her lapbook.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

quick quick!

we have been speeding up lessons this week in that we have been doing it at night, which means Candice isnt giving her full attention. Today we covered more Sorting, but with blocks. By Color, Shape, Size. Then Letter I for L.Arts. Science was Brain, Lungs and Heart and we drew them on the body. Then History and Extra we talked more about Thanksgiving and Indians.

Monday, November 1, 2010

I am Indian

No pictures from today, but heres what we did. It actually went really well until my mom called and then Candice was easily distracted.

Math was sorting. We talked about if you have a group of things, group the like ones. She breezed through this. These are the kinds of things, I am dont know how we will make them stretch because she gets bored after a day. I know we have to at least review though.
L.Arts was the letter Ii. She did really well, except she doesnt understand the top line and bottom line of a Big I needs to be the same size. We drew them, wrote them in rice and then did her alphabet book.
Her "Extra" was Fall. We spelled it and talked about what it is. I am thinking tomorrow we will do some leaf art.
Science was about the body. We talked about the brain, heart and lungs. Lance did this part, so I am not sure what exactly she retained, ha.
History we talked about Indians, and she was interested but I think a bit bored by now. We did lessons late tonight and she doesnt do as well when we do them late.

All in all it was a good day and she got a free card- Extra Baking, so I think we will make some cookies tomorrow and then maybe something extra!