Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Today we covered Math, Spelling, and Reading. We made it through Reading and Math with a FREE card, but Spelling went south and Candice got a BAD card. For her FREE card she got to play her Pumpkin game she likes at The BAD card means no Spongebob tomorrow. For reading we covered Picture sentences. There was a sentence and a picture and she had to match them up. Spelling was Hot/Mom/Fun. We said each word/how to spell it and then tried writing the first letter of each- which is where it turned south. She refused to write the letters, which is not anything out of the ordinary for Candice. She really has a great difficulty writing the letters. Maybe her hand/eye coordination isnt there yet, im not sure, but it makes it really hard. Math we did similar to the egg carton counting/number game, but a little bit different. We counted the number and then took certain numbers away and she had to tell us which one is missing, then we took them out of order and she had to tell us how they go back- surprisingly she is doing really well with this! I stink at math and thought "theres no way I can teach my child math" but some how I can and she can too!

Tonight I need to get my lesson plans ready and in English so Lance can understand them and then get tomorrow's lessons ready. We are going to go to the pond in the front yard and explore, which I am hoping Lance and Candice can do together.
Resource: I found a GREAT homeschooling forum for DADS: Dads only

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