Monday, October 18, 2010

Socialization and Books + Prizes!

by Lisa Russell

we didnt do lessons today. Lance went to urgent care so that idea went out the window, BUT i found an AWESOME website on reading! And we got our free coupons for Candice's reading list- 1 free pizza from Pizza Hut! You have to register for the below site, but its FREE. You put in the age ranges and what your kid would like to read, then it gives you a list of books to read. Candice reads the books, then takes a small quiz about it. For getting the answers right she gets points. She can then use the points to get prizes, which I have to approve! How neat!
Books & prizes- FREE

Candice's List:

0590437739Mary Had a Little LambMcMillan, Bruce; Hale, Sarah JosephbuellanimalsK
0531300137Is There Room on the Feather Bed?Westcott, Nadine B.; Moore Gray, LibbaanimalsK
0395810833Just a Little BitMunsinger, Lynn; Tompert, AnnanimalsK
0060274123Biscuit Finds a FriendCapucilli, Alyssa SatinanimalsK
0694013013From Head to ToeCarle, EricanimalsK
0688098312HoraceKeller, Hollyanimals ,
fairy tales & folklore
0689840810A Frog in the BogWilson, KarmaanimalsK
0307988481Wake up, Groundhog!Cohen, CarolanimalsK
0590050435Yikes!!!Florczak, RobertanimalsK
0064442314Go Away, DogNodset, Joan L.animalsK
0811823121Condor's EggLondon, Jonathan; Chaffee, James; Mesta, RobertanimalsK
1575054507StripePartis, JoanneanimalsK
0062051857Bark, GeorgeFeiffer, JulesanimalsK
0152019243Cook-a-Doodle-DooStevens, JanetanimalsK
0899192254Henny PennyGaldone, Paulanimals ,
fairy tales & folklore
0761309888Hare and the Tortoise, TheWard, HelenanimalsK
076361078XJust You and MeMcBratney, Sam; Bates, Ivan (Illustrator)animalsK
0694003611Goodnight MoonBrown, Margaret WiseanimalsK
0531070905Small Green SnakeGray, Libba Moore; Meade, HollyanimalsK
0688165451Happy Birthday to You, You Belong in a ZooDe Groat, DianeanimalsK
0689833148Biggest Frog in Australia, TheRoth, SusananimalsK
014056750XBunny MoneyWells, Rosemary; Axler, Rachel (Editor)animalsK
0152000356To Market , To MarketMiranda, Anne; Stevens, Janetfairy tales & folkloreK
0688151787Storytellers, TheLewin, Tedpeople & placesK
0735810699Little Bunny's Sleepless NightRoth, Carol; Gorbachev, ValerianimalsK

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