Friday, October 22, 2010

The Life of the Poal 3

Today we had to get Nathan, its my weekend for him. We all slept in a tad too late so Lessons were later than usual. I thought " Ill just include Nate in school". I had no idea what I was thinking. Its hard! Trying to get this one going, while this one does this and keep this one out of that. Crazy! Then when you finally get all three of them to do one thing, they fight over who gets to hold what, sit where, raising their hand higher. Yet, I LOVED it. I can't begin to imagine this craziness everyday, but I hope some day I can.

(ill go by each child)
Worked with the magnetic letters and rice letters (did E and F)
Wrote E and F on lined paper
Did a counting math game
drew insects in science journal
read a dinosaur book (looked at pictures)
listened to me read 2 books (trick or treating and insects)
watched Magic School Bus bug movie

Did rice letters (E&F)
Wrote E & F on lined paper
Talked about community
Did Counting math game
drew insects in science journal
listened to me read 2 books (trick or treating and insects)
watched magic school bus movie

Worked with magnetic letters
Worked with tangram type game
played with Money
Counting math game
listened to me read same 2 books
helped look for bugs outside while other wrote in science journal

Ill take some pictures of Nathans work. I am really surprised by him. I need to remember we didn't do the Insect Lapbook or candice's free card (computer game) so we will do those tomorrow.

1 comment:

Carolina Girl said...

sounds like a good day. I think that we learn to school multiple kids as time goes on, it's a learned experience. :) I am glad you enjoyed it. Over time, you will come to be able to school them all with ease, and will do school when he is there just because they all enjoy the fun of it! :)
God Bless!